National Broadband Plan to offer Rural Ireland same opportunities as Urban Area – Cllr. Maguire


As the Government signed off the National Broadband Plan on May 7th, “it will enable rural Ireland to have the same opportunities as urban areas” said Cllr. Maguire. “Every home, farm, school and business in Ireland will have access to high speed broadband and thereby becoming one of the first countries in the world to ensure that those in rural areas have the same digital opportunities as those in urban areas.”


“This investment offers opportunity for the future”, continued Cllr. Maguire, “the opportunity to have flexible and remote working, digital learning, smart farming and health opportunities together with the required infrastructure for business and industry in rural areas amongst many others.”


“I have been raising the issue of the need for National Broadband Rollout for many years while working on the County Council. While Chair of the Irish Central Border Area Network (ICBAN), I prioritised this issue and we commissioned a report to review Broadband Plans both North and south of the border entitled Fibre at the Crossroads. Details are available under;


“SME’s and Microenterprises employ more people across the country than multi-nationals, thus improved broadband services will help level the playing field for people in areas where commercial operators will not commit to deliver high speed broadband.”


“The benefit of the projected €59 million investment in Co. Sligo will open up the possibility of improving work life balance across the county together with offering opportunities for women to remain and progress in the workforce.”