Maguire continues to call for more support for childcare providers
RTE’s Prime Time’s exposé on Wednesday last on the Hyde and Seek Creches in Dublin programme demonstrates that it is time for the Government to address the issues of insufficient funding of the childcare sector.
Cllr Maguire said, “I will continue to highlight the needs of this sector, both for the protection of children and parents, and for the many legitimate and excellent service providers who have so much to offer given the constraints that they work under. It’s a sector that is bucking under the pressure of increased demands from State with more paperwork and low pay. They provide a service which warrants more support than what they currently received. Many of the creches locally here in Sligo strive for best practice in what they do despite insufficient funding provided by State.”
Cllr Maguire continues, “The provision of properly regulated childcare facilities is something which benefits the whole of our society and economy. Studies have shown that that economy does better when we facilitate and empower women who want to, return to the workplace. To enable this to happen, the State needs to take responsibility for their part in commercialisation of the childcare sector to protect against operators not operating to best practice standards.”
“I would like to acknowledge the compassionate and hard work early childcare providers in our area who continually strive for best practice despite all extra demands on their time. As I have previously outlined, Sligo needs serious capital investment in our childcare sector, such an investment has not happened since 2005. It is time for Government to step up to the plate and fund this sector properly to ensure that current and future demands for childcare places can be met and met properly for the sake of our children.”