Maguire Welcomes announcement of New Climate Action Resources for Schools – but says government needs to do much more
Councillor Sinead Maguire has welcomed Environment Minister Bruton T.D. ‘s announcement that a new Climate Action teacher resource will be available to all post primary schools, but says the government needs to speed up its response to climate change if the planet is to be protected for today’s school children.
Cllr. Sinead Maguire, in welcoming the resource said, “It will provide schools and students with a valuable resource to explore, understand and offer opportunities to take action on climate change through their curriculum. The government now needs to step up its own activity to stop climate change play Ireland’s role in safeguarding the planet.”
“I marched alongside secondary students at the recent Sligo School Strike for Climate. The energy and passion shown by young people towards the issue climate change was very evident and I believe we are not doing enough, fast enough to save our planet.
I will continue to campaign for a stronger Government response to climate change at national level in line with the commitments that we gave in Paris in 2015. We need to cut our polluting emissions in half by 2030 and to near zero by 2050, which means Irish emissions have to fall 6-7% year-on-year, every year, from now to 2050.”
“Young people clearly understand the urgency of the need to take action now. The government needs to match their passion for change.”